Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hendrik Hudson

Imagine stumbling onto the beauty of the Hudson Valley by accident. Englishman Henry Hudson was looking for a quick passage to China as he sailed along America's north Atlantic coast in 1609. Hudson thought he found what he was looking for when he entered New York bay and what is now the river named for him. He and his crew of 18-20 men, sailing on a ship called the Half Moon, traveled about 150 miles up the river near what is now Albany before realizing it would not lead them to their destination of choice. Hudson had been hired for the journey by a Dutch trading company, the Dutch East India Company, and his explorations led to the area first being settled by the Dutch. Thus the telling of the history of the Hudson Valley begins.

Before starting our journey, please listen to Dar Williams sing about a place I will always call home. The beautiful and historical Hudson River Valley.